Thursday, April 30, 2015


I was recently asked to share (very briefly), at a women’s event, about my experiences regarding friendships in the early stages of motherhood. Since the request, the topic of friendship has been on my mind. Specifically, I’ve been thinking a lot about the importance of transparency in my relationships. Learning to be transparent with the people God has placed in my life has been one of the most beneficial lessons God has taught me. I’ve come to learn that transparency benefits everyone in the relationship. 

Ephesians 5:13-14 says, “But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead and Christ will shine on you.”” 

This is such an important verse about the power of transparency! As my mentor, Jodi, used to tell me, “God cannot redeem what we don’t shine light on.” If we don’t open up about our hurts and struggles God can’t heal us. It’s only when we bring things into light that sin can be shown for what it is. I was reading a commentary about this verse and loved what it said, “Evil can no longer masquerade as anything else.” Because that’s exactly what it does when we hide it away. We either try to pretend that the sin doesn’t exist, or we dress it up with excuses. When we share our sins and burdens with others it brings them out into the light. Did you catch the best part of the verse? Not only does the light show us the true nature of sin…it can also transform the darkness into light! “…for anything that becomes visible is light.” God literally takes our brokenness, heals us, and then uses it to glorify His name! I’m pretty sure this is why God commands us to “bare one another’s burdens” and “confess your sins one to another.” The primary reason God puts us into community is for His glory. A glory that can only be achieved through Christ-centered relationships that encourage mutual sanctification. 

I realize that this all sounds well and good on paper, but the reality of being vulnerable can be terrifying. It’s in these moments that we must trust God’s word and plan. We can remember and hold onto the fact that He is always faithful. In my life, every time I have chosen transparency God has blessed me. It has either brought forth healing in my life, or healing in another’s life. The fact is, we never know the pain and hidden sorrow in someone else’s life, we never know how our story can encourage and impact that person. God moves in our lives and is purposeful in who He places around us. We have the choice to honor God in these friendships or merely use them as a passing comfort or vague form of entertainment. I’m sure you’ve heard the catch phrase “united we are stronger,” imagine the strength of true unity in Christ. A unity that that grows from transparency and vulnerability. 

Over the next few weeks I’m hoping to highlight a few stories that illustrate the power of transparency in our friendships. I’d love to hear how God has used your moments of vulnerability.

Also, if you'd like to come to the event (on 5/9/15) mentioned above (it's all about friendship), please follow the link below: